Dannie's Story
In 2010, I was teaching 13 Zumba classes and other formats weekly and was in great cardio conditioning. I performed some resistance training, but very lightweight a couple of days per week. When my husband and I decided to have children (after we thought it initially impossible!) I began IVF treatments. That process definitely changed my body in so many ways. After much physical and emotional hardship, I was pregnant with my daughter and had to spend the last three months of my pregnancy on bed rest. Going from mach 6 to zero overnight was very hard on my body, I went up to 182 lbs, even though I was eating very healthy, balanced meals. My daughter was born one month premature in July 2013, however very healthy, and we were grateful. I went back to teaching later that year but kept everything light to recover from the atrophy experienced from being on bed rest. In early 2016, I came across an old dream list while cleaning a bookshelf. There in the top ten was "compete in a bodybuilder competition before age 50." I agreed to go to the two-year mark for breastfeeding to give my daughter the best I could for her health--and mine.
In September 2016, I started my weight loss journey. I was 182 lbs at my highest during my pregnancy and was sitting comfortably at 152-153 lbs after that. I went on Healthpointe 2.0 and lost 23 lbs by February 2017. I started my bodybuilding resistance training that month and competed in my first Muscle Contest show in June 2017. I competed in my second show in December 2017. I moved up quite a number of positions in both my classes. I elected at that time to take a break to let my body recover and let my hormones regulate.
2019 was a year of change and growth. Although I had intentions of showing, multiple deaths in our families and health concerns took the forefront. I have been working on building my private business and being the best mommy and supportive wife.
2020 will be my year. I am currently cutting for a show, hopefully July 2020. Three years of growth and personal development--how can I lose? Every step in the right direction is a good step, no matter how slow the process is.
My Journey
My Pregnancy
After two years of IVF treatment and two miscarriages, I was pregnant with my daughter. In February 2013 at 23 weeks I was put on full bed rest to try and avoid premature birth. It was a rough three months, however we made it to 26 weeks and one day.
After Pregnancy
On September 16, 2016, after a successful pregnancy and two years of breastfeeding, I was ready to shed the excess weight. I started on Healthpointe 2.0, and dropped 23 lbs by February 2017. I started my first bodybuilding phase that month.
Back to Being Show Ready
June 10, 2017, first bodybuilder show after 12 weeks of prep. It was a long arduous journey, and I learned a lot about myself and what it takes to be an athlete in the sport.
Maintaining physique
December 6, 2018, maintained weight loss, recovered from bodybuilder show phase with proper diet and hormonal balance.
I came to Dannie at a very low point in my life, I had started a new job about a year ago and let myself go; eating fast food every day (Chic-fil-a, McDonalds, In and Out, Del Taco, etc.) I had low self-esteem and could see that I was gaining weight and needed to do something about it. I always had a fear of going to the gym I felt that I would be judged or caught doing something wrong, in fact at one point in time I paid for a gym membership for 2 years and got as far as the parking lot 3 times before I just gave up because my anxiety was so bad; I always was the girl that would look at the Instagram models and want to have their bodies.
Weighing in at 150lbs (the biggest I have EVER been) I knew something needed to change then I found Dannie, I have been doing her boot camp for a little over a month now (Started Oct 14, 2019) and I have seen the changes in not only my self-esteem but my strength and losing the weight. She has helped me feel more confident in myself, I feel comfortable going to her class and I have even started going to the gym by myself without having any anxiety. She has helped me with my posture, with my eating habits, and has helped me lose 12lbs so far!!! Now weighing in at 138lbs I feel better than ever and I am not going to stop.
Dannie thank you for helping me achieve so much in only a few weeks, you have no idea how much YOU and your boot camp have helped me gain myself back, my attitude has become much better, my confidence has become stronger and my husband and I are loving my new body. I cannot wait to continue training with you to achieve my best self for the summer. I highly recommend training with Dannie, she will help you get to where you need to go!!!!
Thank you for your time,
Lesley Yncera
December 2019
It’s been a year since I trained with Dannie Lee at Island Health and Fitness however I have continued to use the tools she provided me during our time together. The exercise and healthy nutrition plan she set up have allowed me to maintain my weight loss – now at 45 pounds; and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are both in good ranges, much improved from where I began.
Dannie continues to follow up on my progress despite me no longer being a client. She cares about her former clients and that is part of my success.
Thank you Dannie!
December 2018
In late September 2018, I was advised by my doctor that I was obese and should exercise, lose weight and change my diet. Although I knew I had put on the pounds in recent years I never viewed myself as overweight. I also was on several blood pressure meds but was still in the hypertensive range.
A few days later I enrolled at Island Health and Fitness and started a personal training program with Dannie Lee. Through her positive energy and knowledge of fitness, nutrition and healthy living I was able to makeover my body. My twice a week training program focused on my goals. Dannie put together a meal plan for me that was low calorie, low carb, and high in protein. My workouts and diet with her and encouragement from her guided me to a 27 pound weight loss in 3 months.
The weight came off slowly in a healthy way losing a few pounds, stabilizing, and then losing more, and so on. My body fat percentage was reduced by over 40%. In addition, my blood pressure has gone down significantly – lower than it has been in 10 years - and I have reduced my BP meds. I feel better and have more energy than I have in years.
Dannie Lee’s understanding of my goals and ability to get me there has been life changing and I strongly recommend her those who want to make a change in their life.
Thank you Dannie!
Jeff Sevier, Client
"At the urging of my wife of 47 years, I began training with Dannie Lee in January 2019. In March, I decided to join my son and friends on the Lares Trek in Peru—even though I was out of shape and was joining a group who were 30 to 40 years younger than me. I would leave for Peru in August.
The 3-day, 2-night trek begins at about 10,000 feet and reaches, at the highest point, 15,157 feet. I needed Dannie to come up with a plan to get me in shape for this challenge. With her twice a week training focused on preparing for the trek and increasing my cardio, I did fine. Our guide Elber was shocked that I was 70 years old and on my first trek.
I give full credit to Dannie for getting me ready for perhaps my biggest physical challenge. I couldn’t have done it without her help."
Beth Skinner, Client
"I am feeling so fantastic from losing 24lbs this past month (while gaining muscle!). The crazy part is I was always full, literally I felt like a baby bird that could not chew & swallow its food as I tried to keep up with the recommended food intake.
The part I like best about this program is that, under Dannie's supervision, unlike some crash-diet thing, this is a more structured version of the healthy food choices I already know that I should have been making, just wrapped up in a holistic system that has helped me to have more success than when I was struggling on my own.
I also don't feel worried about gaining it all back because stabilizing and maintaining is included in the program too. And even more important to me than the number on the scale, Dannie has been helping me to reach my primary goals (which are based on health & function, getting my body able to do all of the things that I want it to do) by not just losing weight and building muscle, but focusing on evening out my body so that both sides are equally strong.
I've even discovered some muscles my brain didn't know how to communicate with & engage before and it's a total game changer! I would say my biggest accomplishment this month is that I am in the right headspace to finally believe that my ultimate long-term goals are actually attainable, and being able to believe in myself makes all the difference. (Thank you so much, Dannie!)"